How to stay sane on a road trip with kids

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by Sarah Defibaugh

There’s nothing quite like being trapped in the car enjoying a scenic road trip with small children.  The picture above was taken during a lovely 3+ hour car ride to Grandma’s for Thanksgiving.  I had thrown in a bunch of random toys without actually examining the blood pressure raising potential of each one.  Of course the kazoo was the hands-down, fist-clenching, screaming favorite.  Good times.

Anyways, this is by no means meant to be an exhaustive list of items to pack for a road trip and I’m sure that anyone who has ever traveled with a child of any age has some hacks to add to this list (please share in the comments! ), but here are a few of the quirky tricks that have worked for me.

1. Empty Walmart bags.  Bring a bunch and then add another handful.  I have never, ever thought:  “Self, you packed too many Walmart bags.”  Trash, dirty diapers, dirty clothes, toys…Walmart bags can handle it all.

2. Books on CD.  I love raiding the library for books and CDs for road trips.  Also check out online library content to download eBooks and audio books onto your phone or tablet.  Of course we also do DVDs. I kind of like to save those for the last leg of the because they’re the big guns and I like to ensure I’m guaranteed they will hold attention when I’m on my last iota of patience.

3.  Snack catchers.  Baggies seem to always fall on the floor in our car. At least when those snack catchers fall the entire contents don’t go flying everywhere.  And I’m sure you already know – – children go through food on a road trip like a marathon runner goes through water.

4. Wipes and more wipes.  Antibacterial , GermX. I take it all. My favorites these days are my bac lock Norwex cloths. I usually just put a damp one in a sealed bag in my purse. Takes care of germs, stickiness, and stains.

5. Lots and lots of stickers. And if I’m feeling brave, a pencil and paper. At least the stickers are easy to peel off of things. Any kind of markers are banned from the vehicle. I don’t think I need to explain why.

6. Portable potty.  And something to clean out said potty.  Refer to #1 and #4.

7. Ibuprofen. For everyone. After learning the hard way, I have ensured it is easily accessible during the trip, as opposed to packed in the bottom of a bag on a roof rack. Someone usually comes down with something, and it’s usually headaches for the parents.  Colds, teething, headaches–ibuprofen cures them all.

8.  String.  Yeah this is a weird one. Inevitably, however, cups/toys/pacifiers keep falling on the floor.  Or the DVD player needs to be secured to the back of the seat more tightly or a divider between the seats needs to be established. You get the gist.

9.  Sleep necessities.  If you’re traveling overnight (God bless you) or over nap time, make sure you bring along whatever helps your child sleep.  Whether it’s a blanket, pacifier, or a five foot stuffed Elmo, bring it along so you at least have some hope of sleep taking place.

If you’re looking for tips for air travel, check out: How to Stay Sane While Flying with Kids.

I’m sure you have some great tips – – please share!  What hacks have worked for you when taking the kids on road trips?

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