Taking it Outside

By Molly Hallenbeck When my second child was an infant, and it was winter, and I may have had a slightly serious case of postpartum depression that I blatantly refused to identify, and I also had a one year old who had barely begun to walk, and we had just started a business, and had … More Taking it Outside

Abundance of Joy

by Sarah Huth This summer we have had an abundance of raspberries on our bushes.  The only thing I love more about eating fresh picked berries is to watch my children eat and enjoy them – knowing how good they are for them. I decided to make jelly with some of the berries and one … More Abundance of Joy

A time for rest

by Sarah Huth How rested are you feeling today?  Not so much?  I hear you.   I struggle daily with prioritizing and scheduling and trying to accomplish too much…there is always more to do after all.  I have a feeling I’m not at all alone in this. We live in a country where a large portion … More A time for rest

Wired for Words

by Sarah Defibaugh Sarah H. and I recently had a chance to talk for three glorious hours over deep fried pretzels at a brewery that used to be a morgue.  We covered all the usual topics  (who was using the potty/not using the potty, the best exercises to strengthen one’s back, and whether or not … More Wired for Words