10 things my five-year-old has taught me


By Sarah Defibaugh

1.  Celebrate being older than someone else.  I hear the words “I’ll always be older than Baby Graham” proudly declared at least ten times a day.

2.   Getting up early gives you lots of time to go things done.  The earlier the better.

3.  Hugs make things better.

4.  There’s always something to laugh about.  Farts, especially.

5.  Shoes are overrated.

6.  Never be embarrassed that you don’t know something.  Just ask lots of questions and someone will help you figure it out.

7.  Smiling at strangers is fun.  Also, it makes you look a little mischievous.

8.  Dad’s opinion matters more than anyone else’s.  Also, he’s pretty much the smartest person alive.

9.  The most treasured gifts aren’t purchased in stores.  Time, patience, and fun don’t cost a dime.

10.  Some of my masterpieces may look like messes from the outside, but look hard and you’ll be able to see the beauty in them too.

(This darling video of my niece made by my sister-in-law, Leigh (Leigh Zeidner Pictures) sums it up.)


How about you? What have you been learning from your kids lately? 

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