Wired for Words


by Sarah Defibaugh

Sarah H. and I recently had a chance to talk for three glorious hours over deep fried pretzels at a brewery that used to be a morgue.  We covered all the usual topics  (who was using the potty/not using the potty, the best exercises to strengthen one’s back, and whether or not thirty-five was considered middle aged) before launching into a philosophical discussion on the power of words.

It started with Sarah H. telling me about a great book she just read (if only I could remember the name of it…maybe thirty-five is middle aged after all?). She described her reading experience like this:  “It consumed me.  Have you ever read something that’s so immersive that you feel part of it? ”

I knew exactly what she was referring to and it got me thinking about how we humans are wired to respond to words.  Yet we handle language so casually, so comfortably, as if it doesn’t contain explosive power.  We forget that the entire course of humanity has been changed through words, through exchanges of information, through text and speech.  Nations have prospered and wars have raged as a result of the words rolling from a ruler’s tongue.

It occurs to me that this is an ancient and visceral response that has been built into us by the Creator of the universe.  He chose to communicate his message to us with words, with stories, and with truths that have been carefully documented and preserved.

How often I do not handle my words with the care they deserve. I forget that each one is a stick of dynamite, wired for encouragement or destruction.

This is my prayer today:  That I feel the weight of my words and speak only those that give life.  That I am so immersed in truth that it consumes me.  That I become a reflection of the Word who became flesh.

What words–positive or negative– have had the biggest impact on you today?





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