The Simple Things

by Sarah Huth A few weeks ago, we surprised our kids by taking them to a large children’s event (event name withheld to protect the innocent) a couple hours from our home.  We booked a hotel for the night prior and the event was the following morning.  After a long night of the kids waking multiple … More The Simple Things

Making plans

  by Sarah Huth My family and I recently returned from our much anticipated vacation to Moab, Utah.  We traveled with our two kids; ages six and almost two.  My husband and I traveled to Moab before we had kids, and we vowed to return.  Anyone has traveled even as far as the grocery store … More Making plans

Asking for Help for All the Things {not just the problems that are “big enough”}

by Sarah Defibaugh We were heading out the door to a formal event and I was barely holding it together.   There were a lot of little things that were contributing to my fragile emotional state. Death by a thousand paper cuts, you could say.  Sleep and I were not on friendly terms.  I had … More Asking for Help for All the Things {not just the problems that are “big enough”}

Love on a Lampstand

by Sara Lang Sara Lang is a mom of three and a friend of the Sarahs. She loves Jesus, her family, doing whatever God wants her to do, running, sunrise, the ocean and strawberry cake. A summer afternoon in Mississippi. The windows are open and a thunderstorm is blowing in. The sky is gray and … More Love on a Lampstand