Five Reasons Why I Love Thanksgiving


by Sarah Defibaugh

Thanksgiving has been the nerdy kid passed over for the dodgeball team in the lineup of holidays one time too many.  I’m here on behalf of the underdog community in order to ensure that this holiday gets its proper time in the spotlight.  So here’s to Thanksgiving.  Not Black Friday Eve,  Pre-Christmas Holiday, or  Turkey Day.  Thanksgiving: the holiday of being grateful, looking back at our blessings, and of eating lots and lots of delicious food.  So here, in no particular order, are some of the reasons why Thanksgiving should be in the spotlight:

  1. It does not involve presents or candy.  Don’t get me wrong:  I love presents and candy.  In moderation.  What I don’t like is my children hopping aboard the entitlement and sugar train that comes from presents and candy.  And as we all know, that train pulls into meltdown station. 
  2. There are no fictional characters that I must explain, read books about, or create elaborate tribal rituals around. We don’t have to play any crazy games involving eggs or elves.  I don’t have to spend an hour calming two-year-old hysterics when a giant bunny or man in a red suit attempts to speak to him in the mall.  It’s such a beautifully, straight-forward, under-commercialized holiday.
  3. Eating brings people together.  There’s nothing like sitting down with people you love and sharing a meal together.  I hope in your house that everyone pitches in, because that’s the best.  The conversations you have while mashing the potatoes or setting the table or washing dishes–that’s good stuff right there.
  4. Thankfulness is healthy.  Studies have shown that being thankful boosts immunity which is a pretty awesome reason to have a whole holiday dedicated to it.  Especially going into the darkest part of winter.
  5. Low(er) expectations.  Thanksgiving does not require me to send the perfect card, have my kids posed in the perfect Instagram photo, or decorate my house with the perfect trimmings. Again, don’t get me wrong–I do enjoy all of those things but there’s something nice about just being able to let some of that stuff go….if only for twenty-four hours before the Christmas madness begins.

What are some of the things you love about Thanksgiving?  How are you celebrating this year?

4 thoughts on “Five Reasons Why I Love Thanksgiving

  1. Great post. Love the thoughts of being brought together, simplicity and not having to hassle with the hustle. Love being able to do family walks outside in brisk weather and then coming in to first fire of the season. Best of all, love having Someone to give thanks to for all the seen as well as all yet unseen. If you think about it, it makes no sense being a thanker without a thankee.

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