Finding meaning in a bird nest


by Sarah Huth

New Year’s Eve in Western PA brought yet another cloudy and cold day.  I felt myself quickly slip into seasonal depression mode due to lack of sunlight and time outside.  My husband kicked me out the door  encouraged me to go for a run.  This almost always does the trick and lifts my spirits.  I quickly changed my clothes before I could come up with an excuse not to go.  Snowflakes hit my face and a rush of cold air filled my lungs as I began to run faster and faster.  I almost immediately started to feel better.

As I was nearing the end of my run, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bird’s nest on the road.  I circled back and picked it up.  At the risk of looking strange to those driving past me, I carried the nest the rest of the way home.  The nest was so carefully assembled with bits of fur and black and white strands of tissue paper intricately woven throughout the nest making it strong.  As I studied the nest I felt the comfort of God’s love so strongly and immediately, and the verse from Matthew 6:26 came to mind:

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Truth is, I haven’t been feeling very valuable lately.  I had been hard on myself over some things that have occurred as of late, and had been struggling with a lot of doubt and spiritual attacks.  The simple bird’s nest – so carefully formed – was a twofold message for me:

  • If God cares so much for birds that He gave them the astounding ability to weave such strong nests out of others’ trash, imagine how much He cares for us. This truth filled me with Christ’s love and acceptance for me, even among my failures.
  • How could birds (and millions of other things) have been created by anything or anyone but God’s hand? This realization blasted any doubts that had been lurking in my mind.

As I returned home I excitedly looked for my son to show him the nest.  His face lit up with joy as I showed him and we talked about how much a birds care for their family that they carefully piece together a warm and safe home to live in.

The Lord cares for us and values us like that, and even more so.  He has carefully created everything –especially you.  I hope this truth brings you deep joy and peace throughout 2017 and beyond!

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