The Valley


by Sara Lang

Sara Lang is a mom of three and a friend of the Sarahs. She loves Jesus, her family, doing whatever God wants her to do, running, sunrise, the ocean and strawberry cake.

Everything’s nice and tidy. The children have invented an obstacle course in the living room and are cheering one another across the finish line. Supper’s in the oven. You’ve been given a wondrous creative moment to work on whatever’s brewing at your fingertips. All the challenges and squabbling are behind you. Peace. The fruit of all those teaching moments.  

2 days later. Pajamas on the bathroom floor. Dishes all over the table. Tiny plastic dinosaurs roaming the living room floor. Ouch. Someone shouting. Someone else shouting. The baby just learned how to shout. We already conquered all of this-not again!  

How many times do your kids surprise you with needing to relearn yesterday’s lesson? Whatever it is that you are trying to teach at the moment-wash your hands when you go inside, put your dirty clothes in the hamper, wipe up the puddle of cornflakes under your chair, say please and thank you, don’t stare at your brother in the car while sticking your tongue out, speak with kindness, don’t bang your muddy boots against the back of the seat. Some lessons more obvious than others :).

Read this and let it sink in. “We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life-those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life, and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength.” -Oswald Chambers

God’s encouragement for the same battles-“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6:9

Jesus is teaching me that life is actually supposed to be largely challenging. Full reliance on Jesus, perseverance, patience, self control. How can we learn these simple fruits of the spirit if we are not challenged in our lives? Remember those contractions during labor? I learned that fighting them turned out to be much worse than embracing them and letting them transform my body into what it was supposed to be doing. Hard times will come. They will challenge you, they will refine you, they will cause you to beg Jesus to help you. This is part of the process. “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.” (1 Peter 4:12)

I want you to know that I understand how hard it is when the challenging times come along. But, here is what I have prepared for my battle cry the next time-I will not run from this. I will cling to Jesus like He is the air in my lungs. I will not be surprised. I will hope and hope and hope as I look to the cross and my perfect Savior. I will walk through the mud and mire until my feet can feel the rock under them again. The devil cannot stand in the presence of MY KING. Flee now in the perfect, magnificent name of Jesus as I persevere until I reach the next mountaintop.

Love you all out there. Prepare your battle cry and pray for one another!


2 thoughts on “The Valley

  1. So, so true. And, we will never “arrive” because the lessons have us going deeper with each round. Just when we think “I have FINALLY learned patience we are shown the need for more by the next circumstance.


  2. Sarah-The Valley Evidence of God’s eternality- Oswald Chambers was a minister and teacher, lived 1874-1917 but his words back then hold true for now and into eternity. What is our faith worth if it is never tested. What a great testimony from you to all of us. I just sent a copy of your testimony to a mother who has a grown son who deals with an addiction, as true for her as it is for you all who have toddlers. I pray all of us can eventually thank God for our valleys in life; for they do teach us strength and stamina if we but listen to His word and accept His comfort. Thank you Sharon Kail

    On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 9:19 AM, Sarah to Sarah wrote:

    > Sarah posted: ” by Sara Lang Sara Lang is a mom of three and a friend of > the Sarahs. She loves Jesus, her family, doing whatever God wants her to > do, running, sunrise, the ocean and strawberry cake. Everything’s nice and > tidy. The children have invented an obstacle c” >


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