A Matter of Semantics

by Sarah Defibaugh Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash   This is a flash fiction piece I wrote earlier this spring.  I am sharing it with you because I have been feeling the need to remind myself that circumstances as a parent change so quickly, sometimes in a matter of twenty-four hours.  There’s always that chance that tomorrow … More A Matter of Semantics

An Easter Conversation

by Sarah Defibaugh The Walmart checkout guy was really chatty and I found myself glancing wistfully over at my ‘usual’ clerk and wishing I had gone through her line.   But it was too late: my two year old was already foisting plastic eggs and Easter treats onto the conveyor belt and this twenties-something dude … More An Easter Conversation

The Valley

Everything’s nice and tidy. The children have invented an obstacle course in the living room and are cheering one another across the finish line. Supper’s in the oven. You’ve been given a wondrous creative moment to work on whatever’s brewing at your fingertips. All the challenges and squabbling are behind you. Peace. The fruit of all those teaching moments. … More The Valley

The Simple Things

by Sarah Huth A few weeks ago, we surprised our kids by taking them to a large children’s event (event name withheld to protect the innocent) a couple hours from our home.  We booked a hotel for the night prior and the event was the following morning.  After a long night of the kids waking multiple … More The Simple Things

Making plans

  by Sarah Huth My family and I recently returned from our much anticipated vacation to Moab, Utah.  We traveled with our two kids; ages six and almost two.  My husband and I traveled to Moab before we had kids, and we vowed to return.  Anyone has traveled even as far as the grocery store … More Making plans