Asking for Help for All the Things {not just the problems that are “big enough”}

by Sarah Defibaugh We were heading out the door to a formal event and I was barely holding it together.   There were a lot of little things that were contributing to my fragile emotional state. Death by a thousand paper cuts, you could say.  Sleep and I were not on friendly terms.  I had … More Asking for Help for All the Things {not just the problems that are “big enough”}

Love on a Lampstand

by Sara Lang Sara Lang is a mom of three and a friend of the Sarahs. She loves Jesus, her family, doing whatever God wants her to do, running, sunrise, the ocean and strawberry cake. A summer afternoon in Mississippi. The windows are open and a thunderstorm is blowing in. The sky is gray and … More Love on a Lampstand

Pleasant Words

by Sara Lang Sara Lang is a mom of three and a friend of the Sarahs. She loves Jesus, her family, doing whatever God wants her to do, running, sunrise, the ocean and strawberry cake. Words can be life-giving, affirming, encouraging, piercing, transforming. They can literally change your perspective and cause your hope to rise. … More Pleasant Words

Quiet Miracles

by Sarah Huth Most of us think of miracles as a once in a lifetime thing; big events that have no explanation.  Perhaps we or someone close to us has been healed from a horrible illness.  This is usually the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of the word miracle.  While healing … More Quiet Miracles

Why I Run

By Sarah Defibaugh My grandpa sagely opined that running is like beating your head against the wall: it feels great when you stop.  This has always resonated with me. The feeling of accomplishment that comes when you’ve pushed through the pain and you’ve earned the right to quit is second to none. Kind of like … More Why I Run


by Molly Hallenbeck I sit at my desk, look out the window, and watch my 7 and 11 year old daughters, attempting help. I have neglected a load of laundry on the clothesline, and it’s raining. The two girls race around in swimsuits and flip flops, the palpable joy of being outside during an outpouring … More Attempt

Cookies and Orphans

by Sara Lang Sara Lang is a mom of three and a friend of the Sarahs. She loves Jesus, her family, doing whatever God wants her to do, running, sunrise, the ocean and strawberry cake. I ate a chocolate chip cookie today. Not because I was especially hungry, but just because I really wanted something … More Cookies and Orphans

Angels Among Us

by Sarah Huth When my daughter was born, there was an angel in the delivery room.  She was an anesthesiologist, but an angel none the less.  To say I was scared is an understatement. This was my second emergency Cesarean and my baby was going to be delivered four weeks early.  I also had placenta … More Angels Among Us

Taking it Outside

By Molly Hallenbeck When my second child was an infant, and it was winter, and I may have had a slightly serious case of postpartum depression that I blatantly refused to identify, and I also had a one year old who had barely begun to walk, and we had just started a business, and had … More Taking it Outside